Favorite Song of the Day: You

Gold Panda – You

Gold Panda

The journey to his current illuminated standings has been long and intermittently strange. Having spent downtime behind the counters of various establishments of ill repute – finding out that record stores and adult stores are no less seedier than each other. GP consolidated the rest of his hours creating archives of electronic music; each track different from the other, incorporating multitudes of styles and disparate influences and obscure samples and base material.

Eva, Shelly y La Nueva Generación


The inscription on the back of this photo is from “Eva.” Who is Eva? Perhaps one of my uncle’s old flames. The photo was found behind a photo of my father and mother at prom. Groovy Eva, so space age and hip.

Shelly y Nueva Generación – No puedo Olvidarte Chico (1969)

I came across this video in one of frequent my Youtube dérives.
Eva watched Shelly on TV one night and dreamt of being far out and gruvi like her. My imagination confirmed this as true…

Secret Disco: August Darnell’s Legacy

Machine-There But for the Grace of God Go I (1979)

The social commentary of this song is unique for the disco genre. It’s a bittersweet morality tale of a runaway child who craves freedom from her oppressive Caribbean parents and is delivered into the subversive and not always healthy, world of rock n’ roll. What else is a “natural freak” from the suburbs to do? The high energy beats drive the message home, evoking a flight from something pressing. The stretching vocals of singer August Darnell adds to the urgency. This “apocalyptic disco” song continues to be a favorite with disco and Hi-NRG DJs and is often mixed with Lime’s Babe We’re Gonna Love Tonight for an anthemic, rousing dancefloor set.
A question for the ages: “Is too much love worse than none at all?”
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